All the President’s Men - the concentric desks in the Library of Congress seemed like a newspaper conveyor belt breaking Nixon's Watergate. Departing from steel, materials included bicycle chain,
printer plates, brass, gimbaled
compass, foundry form,
and copper. Photo
credits Chris Myers.
24” wide x
13” deep x
13” tall
All the President’s Men - the concentric desks in the Library of Congress seemed like a newspaper conveyor belt breaking Nixon's Watergate. Departing from steel, materials included bicycle chain,
printer plates, brass, gimbaled
compass, foundry form,
and copper. Photo
credits Chris Myers.
24” wide x
13” deep x
13” tall

One of a kind miniature worlds that evoke nostalgia with a modern twist. Steel vignettes inspired by vintage furniture and classic film, television and literature.

January 28 Artist Talk: Enoch Pratt Free Library – Central Branch Baltimore City
February 25 Workshop: Enoch Pratt Free Library – Central Branch Baltimore City
June 6 – July 21 Transmission: Municipal Art Society of Baltimore City Artist Travel Prize Recipients School 33 Art Gallery Baltimore
May 18 Fox Galleries in Baltimore. Group Exhibit
Oct - Nov BOPA. Emerge Baltimore. Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower. Solo exhibit
Dec 2021 – Jan The New York Studio School in New York City. Group exhibit
Aug - Oct Center for the Arts Gallery at Towson University. Group exhibit & opening talk
Aug – Sept Creative Alliance BIG Show Member’s Exhibition. Group exhibit.
cancelled due A Thousand Words, vol. 3 exhibit at CCBC Essex Gallery. Group exhibit
to pandemic
Aug – Sept Creative Alliance BIG Show Member’s Exhibition. Group exhibit.
Aug – Nov Biennial Members Exhibition - Fuller Craft Museum. Group exhibit
June - July The Studios at the Fox Building in Baltimore, Maryland. Group exhibit
June 4 - Sept 16 Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures. Tucson, Arizona. Solo exhibit
May 5 - July 22 D. Thomas Fine Miniatures. Yonkers, New York. Badass Miniatures Group exhibit.
May 21 to July 31 D. Thomas Fine Miniatures. Hastings on Hudson, New York. Those Were the Days - Pop Icon TV sets Reimagined in Miniature. Solo exhibit.
Here is a 3-part podcast series of interviews about my background and the show:
o part 1:
o part 2:
o part 3:
June 18 to September 15, 2017 - Group show Wee Resist in Hastings on Hudson, New York. My piece is called “O”, representing the Oval Office – then and now. A rotating floor represents the previous administration with brushed steel and then it rotates with a hand crank to expose the current administration in rusted decay.​
​National Building Museum exhibited Victoria and Albert’s Museum of Childhood dollhouses showcasing 300 years of English history. 24 Dream Rooms called Small Stories: At Home in a Dollhouse were commissioned to accompany the exhibit
May 2016 to January 2017 - my dream room: Mouseum in a Box
Link to statements of each Dream Room
American Visionary Art Museum exhibit Yummm! The History, Fantasy, and Future of Food – a group show of 34 artists
October 2016 to September 2017 - my three pieces included: Kitchen in a Box, Dining Room in a Box and Champagne Nesting Chair
Baltimore Museum of Art gift shop themed to exhibit "Imagining Home"
2016 - Kitchen in a Box, Nightstand and Sofa Table
Su Casa - Made in Maryland Gallery
2015 - EAT Table and Side Table
Bog Tinker Pop Up Gallery, Ellicott City
2014 - Side Table
Annual Group Artist Cigar Box Show at Roman’s Gallery in Baltimore
2010 to 2013
JMore Magazine
June 2018 - – JMore Magazine article about five Baltimore area artists and why they do what they do.
​ article about the Small Stories exhibit at the National Building Museum including a link and description of my submission.
Baltimore Style magazine
December 2015 - Movers and Makers “Meet six Baltimore artisans, part of a veritable army of local craftspeople who manufacture quality work on a small scale.”
Design Within Reach (a designer furniture company) holds an annual competition called the Champagne Chair Contest. I entered in 2014 and won 2nd place. The rules were to use any parts of a champagne bottle (except the glass) to create a chair less than 4”. Mine is based on the Russian Matryoshka nesting dolls. The Nesting Chair starts with a champagne bubble made of the foil and wire cage, inside of that is the cork sliced in half with a chair shaped negative space, next is a chair shaped box made out of the label and lastly, a ½” tall chair that fits in the box.
Craft Shows:
February 2020 American Craft Council show in Baltimore
April 2018 Philadelphia Furniture Show at the 23rd Street Armory
March 2018 Spring CraftMorristown in Morristown, New Jersey Armory
Fall November 19-20, 2016 American Fine Craft Show Brooklyn Museum
Fall October 21-23, 2016 American Fine Craft Show Washington DC Armory
Spring 2016 Pennsylvania Guild Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia Craft Show
Podcasts/interviews: copy and paste for a full virtual Open Studio Tour 2020
part 1: